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Last updated: 15 May 2024

Get the Best Prices By Comparing Conservatory Quotes

compare conservatory quotes
  • Comparing quotes from different suppliers helps you find the best prices and understand the market.
  • Looking at different styles and their quote price ranges can help you find the best match for your taste and budget.
  • Learn to break down quotes so you know what’s included and what might cost extra — giving you control over the project. 

Adding a conservatory is a great way to increase your living space and bring the beauty of the outdoors from inside. But those initial price estimates you see out there can be overwhelming and put you off from your conservatory project. Don't worry–comparing quotes is the best way to avoid high costs. ConservatoriesOrangeries UK suggests this method could save you up to 40% on your project, helping you make the most of your budget. 

In this article, find out why it's essential to compare quotes for all conservatory styles and sizes, from a cosy lean-to sunroom to a more elaborate T-shaped design. By learning how to evaluate and compare quotes effectively, you can save money and make the optimal decision for your home.

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Why compare multiple conservatory quotes?

why compare conservatory quotes

Comparing quotes from multiple conservatory providers can help you find affordable options and ensure you get the most for your money. Here's why it's beneficial:

  • Find the best price: Conservatory costs fluctuate between providers, with average prices ranging from £6,000 to £23,000 depending on style, size, materials, and the supplier’s price guide. Compare conservatory prices to ensure you get the best deal, potentially saving thousands. 
  • Evaluate quality and customisation: Each supplier may offer different quality levels and customisation options. Comparing quotes reveals the quality of materials, available customisation, and the supplier's overall workmanship, helping you find the perfect fit for your home's needs.
  • Negotiation power: Having multiple quotes can help you negotiate better. Use lower quotes to negotiate with suppliers for better pricing or added features.  
  • Make informed decisions: Detailed quotes break down the costs of materials, labour, design elements, and timelines. This comprehensive information empowers you to choose the best budget and preferences.
  • Low-cost options: If you're working with a limited budget, comparing quotes highlights the most affordable options. You might be surprised at the possibilities without compromising your vision.

In the next section, we will explore the expected price ranges for various conservatory styles, helping you choose one that suits your budget and lifestyle while enhancing your home's aesthetics.

Quote prices for different conservatory styles

Conservatories come in various styles, each influencing the ultimate cost. A conservatory costs between £6,000 and above £20,000, depending on the size, materials, complexity, and chosen features. Fully fitted conservatory prices could exceed these costs, from £10,000 to £30,000 and upwards.  

Before we explore specific styles, let's dive into the common factors that impact the price you'll see in a conservatory quotation:

Now, let's look at some popular conservatory styles:

Lean-to conservatory quotes

lean to conservatory quotes prices

If you’re looking for a cheap conservatory style, the lean-to is perfect for adding space and light on a budget. On average, lean-to conservatory quotes for a 3.5m x 3.5m structure typically start at £10,000 upwards. This estimate includes dwarf walls, a uPVC frame, a polycarbonate roof, installation, and VAT.

For smaller builds with basic features and excluding installation, expect prices in the £6,000 to £7,000 range.

  • Glass: A similar-sized lean with a glass roof would start around £11,000 and upwards.
  • Solid/tiled: For a permanent, luxurious feel, solid or tiled roofs significantly increase the price, starting from £15,100 for the same size and can exceed £20,000.

If you're considering a more luxurious roof upgrade, get conservatory roof quotes from companies specialising in this service for the most accurate pricing. This is especially important for complex upgrades like a hybrid lantern roof.

When comparing lean-to conservatory quotes, consider the complete package, including installation, to avoid hidden costs and ensure a stress-free experience.

Edwardian conservatory quotes

edwardian conservatory quotes prices

Edwardian conservatories offer classic elegance for your home. They are slightly more expensive than lean-tos. On average, an Edwardian conservatory cost for a 3.5m x 4m structure typically starts around £11,700 upwards.

This estimate includes dwarf walls, a uPVC frame, a polycarbonate roof, installation, and VAT. You might find starting prices closer to £10,000 for smaller builds with basic features.

  • Glass: A similar-sized Edwardian with a glass roof would start around £10,250 and upwards.
  • Solid/tiled: For a permanent, luxurious feel, solid or tiled roofs significantly increase the price, starting from £17,100.

Smaller Edwardian options

For a slightly smaller 3m x 3m (9m²) conservatory, prices start at:

  • £10,750 and above for uPVC
  • £13,175 and above for aluminium

Remember, always compare quotes to find the best deal for your dream conservatory!

Victorian conservatory quotes

victorian conservatory quotes prices

Victorian conservatories embody timeless elegance and add significant value to your home. However, they come with a higher price tag. Typically, Victorian conservatory quotes with a standard 3.5m x 3.5m structure start around £13,000 upwards.

This estimate includes dwarf walls, a uPVC frame, a polycarbonate roof, installation, and VAT (Price Expert UK). Smaller or very basic builds might start closer to £11,000.

Glass: Expect a similar-sized Victorian with a glass roof to start around £15,000 upwards.

Solid/tiled: These luxurious roofs push the starting price to around £17,900 for a Victorian structure with a 4m x 4m.

Victorian conservatory quotes can exceed £24,000 (PriceExpert UK) for the most luxurious materials and large sizes.

Gable conservatory quotes

gable conservatory quotes prices

Gable-end conservatories offer a spacious and light-filled addition to your home, maximising headroom without sacrificing classic style. On average, expect gable conservatory quotes for a standard 3.5m x 3.5m structure to start around £11,550 upwards.

This estimate includes dwarf walls, a uPVC frame, a polycarbonate roof, installation, and VAT (Price Expert UK).

  • Glass: A glass roof increases the starting price for a similar-sized gable to around £12,900.
  • Solid/tiled: Expect these premium roofs to start around £16,100 for a 3.5m x 3.5m build.

Quotes for large gable conservatories with luxurious materials can exceed £20,000 (ConservatoriesOrangeries UK). Comparing detailed quotes is crucial to finding the perfect balance of features and cost for your project.

T-shaped conservatory quotes

t-shaped conservatory quotes prices

T-shaped conservatories offer a unique and spacious addition to your home, blending the best aspects of lean-to and Edwardian styles. Due to their size and potential complexity, expect a T-shaped conservatory to start around £15,100 upwards.

This estimate assumes a 5m x 4m size with an uPVC frame, polycarbonate roof, installation, and VAT.

For smaller 3.5m x 3.5m, prices start at £13,750. For large T-shaped conservatories with premium materials and intricate designs, quotes can easily exceed £23,000. Comparing detailed quotes is essential when balancing your vision with your budget.

  • Glass: A glass roof pushes the starting price upwards of £17,000 for a standard-sized T-shape that provides even more light.
  • Solid/tiled: A luxurious tiled roof will start around £19,500 or higher, depending on size and complexity.

P-shaped conservatory quotes

p-shaped conservatory quotes prices

P-shaped conservatories offer a luxurious and expansive addition to your home, combining the best of lean-to and bay-style designs.

Because of their grand scale, according to PriceExpert UK, expect P-shaped conservatory quotes to start at around £13,750, including VAT and Installation for a 5m x 3m structure with a polycarbonate roof.

  • Glass: Depending on the size, choosing glass for one or both sections adds approximately £2,000 – £6,000+ to the starting price.
  • Solid/tiled: Even a simple tiled roof will push the starting price upwards to £ £17,600 to up to £20,800 for the same size.

Quotes for large P-shaped conservatories with luxurious features can exceed £23,000 (Price Expert UK). It's crucial to compare detailed quotes and carefully consider your budget alongside your vision.

L-shaped conservatory quotes

L-shaped conservatory quotes prices

L-shaped conservatories combine the spaciousness of Edwardian designs with the adaptability of a lean-to, creating a versatile and stylish addition to your home. On average, expect L-shaped conservatory quotes with a modest 4m x 4m footprint to start around £14,600 upwards.

This estimate includes a uPVC frame, polycarbonate roof, installation, and VAT.

  • Glass (one section): Expect the starting price to increase by approximately £1,500 – £2,000.
  • Solid/Tiled (one section): Adds around £4,000 – £5,000 to the starting price.

For larger L-shaped conservatories, those with intricate designs or luxurious materials throughout, quotes can comfortably exceed £22,000 (Price Expert UK).  

What impacts the cost?

According to HomeBuilding’s article, “How much does a conservatory cost? Our price guide will help you budget for your project", the cost of a conservatory will depend on several factors, making it hard to give exact prices. These include:  

Size and shape: rectangular, circular or semi-hexagonal. Also, larger conservatories will cost more. 

Material: uPVC is the most budget-friendly option for framing. Hardwoods or aluminium increase the price.

Roof choice: Polycarbonate is the most affordable, while glass or tiled roofs add cost and a luxurious feel.

Glazing: Standard, toughened, solar, Low-E, noise-reduction.

Doors and windows: Style, size, and material selection (uPVC, wood, aluminium) all influence the cost.

Installation: Professional install or DIY

Location: Prices vary depending on where you live and are typically higher in city areas than rural ones.

Rules: Whether your conservatory will need Planning Permission or is Permitted Development, each has different costs.

Additional features: Additions like custom elements, heating, or blinds affect the final price.

The roof is a crucial factor in determining quote prices. The next section will discuss roof quotes and their price range.

Conservatory roof replacement quote

conservatory roof replacement prices

Updating your conservatory roof can greatly improve its style, insulation, and comfort. To get the best deal, comparing conservatory roof replacement quotes is essential. Here's a typical starting cost of roofing material: 

TypeDepends onPrice range (£)
PolycarbonateComplexity & size£4,000 - £20,000+
GlassGlazing option & size£6,300 - £30,000+
Solid/tiledRoof design & size£14,000 - £40,000+
These are estimates. Get an installer QUOTE now!

What impacts the cost?

  • Size: Naturally, larger roofs cost more to replace since they require more materials and labour
  • Materials: Polycarbonate is the most affordable, with glass and tiles significantly increasing prices.
  • Design complexity: Intricate rooflines or difficult-to-access areas will increase labour costs.
  • Additional upgrades: Replacing gutters or adding roof windows will impact the cost.

While often cheaper than a full conservatory replacement, ensure your existing conservatory structure is in good condition before investing in a new roof. This guide's prices are based on HomeImprovementQuotesToday information, but comparing current quotes from multiple installers is always wise.

DIY conservatory quote

DIY conservatory quote

Building your own conservatory is a tempting way to cut costs. However, it requires significant DIY skills and careful planning. Here's a breakdown of what to expect:

Typical material costs (Excluding installation):

Lean-to: £2,500 - £3,500+ (simplest design for DIY)

Edwardian/Victorian: £5,000 - £7,000+ (more complex designs)

Orangery: £7,000 - £15,000+ (most intricate designs)

Conservatory kits offer a starting point for DIY. Prices range from roughly £2,000 for a basic design to £4,000+ for larger or more complex styles (HomeAdviceGuide).

Remember, these prices are for the structure itself. You’ll also need to factor in: 

  • Your own labour: Conservatory construction takes time and specific skills.
  • Potential tool costs: You might need to buy or rent specialised tools.
  • Hidden expenses: Groundworks, permits, unexpected issues, and the possibility of needing professional help can all drive up the price.

Pros and Cons of DIY Installation

Pros and Cons of DIY Installation

While a do-it-yourself (DIY) conservatory installation might seem like a cheaper alternative to save money, it's important to weigh the pros and cons before deciding if it's the right choice for you.

Cons of DIY installation

Potential faulty installation: DIY installations carry a higher risk due to a lack of professional experience and expertise. This can lead to problems such as leaks, electrical shorts, or structural damage, which can be costly and time-consuming.

May need to be redone: If a DIY installation needs to be done correctly, it may need to be redone, which can cause additional costs and wasted time.

May increase costs in the future to rebuild: Faulty DIY installations can lead to structural damage or other problems that may require extensive repairs or rebuilding, increasing the project's overall cost.

Consumes time: DIY installations can be time-consuming, as you must allocate time for planning, purchasing materials, and completing the project. This can be a significant consideration if you have a busy schedule and limited time.

Tools and precision: When doing DIY, you must ensure all the measurements are correct and that you have the right tools and supplies. A professional installer comes equipped with all the tools.

Warranty not included: DIY installations typically do not include warranties, leaving homeowners responsible for any repairs or replacements. On the other hand, professional installations often come with warranties, which protect against defects or malfunctions. 

Pros of DIY installation

Cheaper: DIY installation is generally cheaper than hiring a professional, as you can save on labour costs. This can be a major advantage if you have a tight budget or financial limitations.

Flexibility: DIY installations offer flexibility in schedule and pace.

Customisation: Customising your DIY installations can create a personalised space according to your needs and preferences. However, it may increase the overall cost compared to pre-packaged options from suppliers.

Remember that the benefits of professionally installed conservatories outweigh the DIY option. However, the best option depends on your budget, DIY skills, and the complexity of your desired conservatory.

Evaluating online conservatory quotes

Evaluating online conservatory quotes

Getting conservatory quotes online is convenient, but how do you know if you're getting a good deal? Here's what to consider:

Warranties: Reputable quotes should include warranties for materials and workmanship (typically 5-15 years). This protects you from unexpected costs if something goes wrong.

Installation: Some quotes might seem low but only cover materials. Always clarify if the quoted price includes full installation. If the price is too good to be true, the quote may include only some things. 

Breakdown: A detailed conservatory quotation should list ALL costs: materials, labour, design, and extras like heating or electrical. Details prevent surprises later.

Clear project timeline: Good quotes should specify the project's estimated start and completion dates. This helps in planning and ensures that the work fits within your schedule.

Payment terms: Understand how much you'll pay upfront and whether the remaining balance is split into instalments or due upon completion.

Additional tips

Compare itemised quote: Don’t just compare final numbers, look closely at what each quotes includes.

Reputation matters: Check the company’s online reviews and ensure they’re established in the industry.

Ultimately, when evaluating the quotes you receive, it's not just the final price. Remember, the most reliable quotes offer warranties, cost transparency, clear timelines, and fair payment terms.

Things to consider when comparing quotes

Things to consider when comparing quotes

Gathering and comparing quotes can be overwhelming, especially when the numbers vary from one to the next. However, being aware of certain warning signs, such as red flags, can assist you in making an informed decision that aligns with your budget and is also realistic. Here are some things to watch out for:

  • Very low prices: Be careful of quotes that are much lower than others. This might mean low-quality materials or poor work, which could cost more and cause problems later.
  • Hidden fees: Look out for quotes that don't show all the charges. Things like preparing the site, cleaning up, and getting rid of waste should be included, not added as surprises later.
  • Unclear details: A good quote is clear and detailed. Avoid unclear quotes that leave out important information about materials, specs, or what the job covers.
  • Pushy sales tactics: Be wary of pushy salespeople who rush you to decide. Trustworthy companies will give you enough time to consider your options before deciding.

The best way to avoid these issues is to get quotes from several reputable installers. This helps you compare prices, spot red flags, and choose the most trustworthy option for your dream conservatory.

Ready to compare quotes online? Use the form below to request and compare quotes, saving you time and money, and avoid problems!

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