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Last updated: 15 May 2024

What are the Best Cheap Conservatory Styles?

best cheap conservatory prices
  • Exploring cheap conservatory prices is a smart way to stay within your budget for your project.
  • A small, cheap lean-to conservatory measuring 3.5m x 2m costs around £6,000 to £7,000. This estimate is for a uPVC style featuring a polycarbonate roof and fully glazed walls. 
  • Not all cheap conservatories sacrifice quality. Well-maintained ex-display conservatories for sale may offer 30-50% off than new builds. 

Conservatory prices depend on the style, size, material type, and location. If you have a specific budget, there are several ways to reduce costs on your conservatory project. For example, you can opt for a simple design like lean-to and standard materials like uPVC and polycarbonate. Additionally, you can consider a conservatory replacement, or parts of it, providing you already have a solid structure.

However, when searching for cheap conservatory ideas, remember there is more to a conservatory than the budget. Consider the yard space, how you intend to use the conservatory, and the long-term benefits before deciding on the best option. 

In this article, we explore the best cheap conservatory styles and their prices, what you can expect to pay and how to cut costs if prices exceed your budget. 

If you need help sticking to your budget, talk to a professional who can help you reduce expenses and offer budget options. Fill out a form to connect with a reliable professional and save yourself time and effort.

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What are the cheapest conservatory styles?

cheapest conservatory styles

The cheapest conservatory styles are the lean-tos, Edwardian and Victorian. For a small lean-to conservatory measuring 3m x 2m, expect to pay between £6,000 and £7,000. This is for a polycarbonate structure fitted with glazed walls. Fully fitted conservatory prices will increase as they include additional work, adding to the cost. 

If you’re on a strict budget, the cheapest option for a conservatory is the DIY lean-to conservatory, which usually starts at £2,500 and above. 

An alternative option is to look for ex-display conservatories for sale, which is also a viable choice. According to Conservatory Online Prices, you might pay 30% to 50% less for this option than if you bought the same conservatory brand new, but it may have some drawbacks regarding quality and aesthetics. 

In the next section, we'll explore different cheap conservatory styles to give you an in-depth idea of what you can pay for them. 

Lean-to conservatory

cheap lean to conservatory prices

A lean-to conservatory is a fantastic option if you're looking for an affordable and space-saving addition to your home. Their simple design makes them the cheapest style. For fully fitted lean to conservatory prices, expect to pay:

  • £6,000 - £7,500 for polycarbonate roof, uPVC frame and fully glazed walls
  • £8,000 - £10,000 for polycarbonate roof and dwarf walls conservatory

Cheap uPVC lean-to conservatory prices (3.5m x 2m)

Roof type Average cost (Fully fitted–fully glazed)
Polycarbonate£6,000 - £7,000
Glass£6,500 - £7,500
Wood/timber+ 30-40%
These costs are estimates. Get an installer QUOTE now!

You can opt for supply only for a cheaper alternative without installation, with a starting price of around £2,600 for 2.5m x 3m.

Edwardian conservatory 

cheap edwardian conservatory prices

With its elegant design, generous lighting, and space, the Edwardian-style conservatory is a flexible and stylish addition to any home. The cost of an Edwardian conservatory range from £8,000 to £9,000 for a fully fitted uPVC 3m x 3m fully glazed structure (no dwarf walls) featuring a polycarbonate roof, says DoubleGlazingontheweb. 

Cheap uPVC Edwardian conservatory prices (3m x 3m)

Roof typeAverage cost (Fully fitted–fully glazed)
Polycarbonate£8,000 - £9,000
Glass£8,500 - £9,500
Wood/timber+ 30-40%
These costs are estimates. Get an installer QUOTE now!

If you opt for the dwarf wall and glass roof, the price for your project will increase to somewhere between £9,500 and £11,000. Ideal Homes highlights that choosing a tiled roof could increase the cost of polycarbonate by 30-40%. Therefore, if your budget is £10,000, your best option could be to go for a full glaze option with polycarbonate.

Victorian conservatory 

cheap victorian conservatory prices

Victorian conservatories blend architectural styles. Made with glass and iron, they're unique but expensive. Expect cheap Victorian conservatory prices to range from £3,000 to £4,000 for a supply-only uPVC full glass structure measuring 3m x 2.8m. However, you must install it yourself and do the groundwork. For full build prices, expect starting prices from £7,500 and upwards for a fully glazed 3m x 3m uPVC structure. This does not include groundwork. 

Cheap uPVC Victorian conservatory prices (3.5m x 3.5m)

Roof typeAverage cost (Fully fitted–fully glazed)
Polycarbonate£9,500 - £11,000
Glass£10,500 - £11,500
Wood/timber+ 30-40%
These costs are estimates. Get an installer QUOTE now!
cheap gable conservatory prices

Gable conservatory

Gable conservatories are available in two styles: gable-fronted and gable-end, each featuring unique design elements and functionalities. Prices for gable-fronted conservatories typically range from £11,500 to £14,000, depending on roof materials. Gable-end conservatories, generally more spacious, start at around £11,550, with costs varying based on roofing and design specifics. 

Gable conservatories prices (3.5m x 3.5m)

Gable style fully fittedRoof type Average cost 
Gable-frontedPolycarbonate£11,500 - £13,000
Glass£12,500 - £14,000
Wood/timber + 30 - 40% 
Gable-end Polycarbonate£11,550 +
Glass£12,900 +
Wood/timber + 30 - 40% 
These costs are estimates. Get an installer QUOTE now!

What is the cheapest way to get a conservatory?

The cheapest way to get a conservatory is to opt for a uPVC lean-to model. This material is affordable, durable, and low-maintenance, priced at £150–£400 per m2. Expect to pay £6,000 to £7,000 for a small lean-to conservatory. This is for a 3.5 x 2m uPVC structure featuring a polycarbonate roof and fully glazed walls. Choosing dwarf wall options over a fully glazed design can increase the price of a conservatory, sometimes by £1,000 or more. 

Despite its compact size, you can expand it to 3m x 3m (9m2) for £8,000 - £10,000 for a complete build structure, providing numerous possibilities.

Here’s what: 

  • Spacious seating area: Fits a large sofa and armchairs or a full seating set, ideal for socialising or family relaxation.
  • Dining and entertainment: This room accommodates a dining table for four to six, with space for a bar cart or console table.
  • Enhanced home office: Can house a large desk, comfortable chair, and storage like bookshelves or filing cabinets for a better work environment.
  • Mini gym or yoga studio: This is suitable for a home gym with equipment like a treadmill or bike or a peaceful yoga and meditation area.
  • Hobby room with storage: Ample room for hobbies such as crafting or painting, including storage for supplies.
  • Playroom for kids: Provides space for children’s toys, activities, and safe play, perfect for fostering creativity and fun.

However, if this price range exceeds your budget, there are still ways to reduce costs. 

Tips to reduce the cost of your conservatory

Simple design

Consider a simple design like a lean-to to save costs when building a conservatory. This rectangular or square shape is cost-effective because it requires fewer materials and simpler construction techniques. According to ConservatoryOutlet UK, opting for a simple design like a lean-to reduces labour and material expenses. By choosing a simple design, you can still enjoy the benefits of a conservatory without overspending.

Standard materials

Consider using standard materials like uPVC and polycarbonate for frames, roofing, and windows to save on costs. These materials are cheaper, provide good insulation, and are durable and low-maintenance, making them a smart choice.

Minimal customisation

Keeping customisation to a minimum helps avoid the high costs associated with unique designs and custom-built features. Standard sizes and shapes are more cost-effective and typically quicker to install. For example, CompareCompanies UK states that many homeowners opt for two side-opening frames and one front-opening frame. It allows a generous amount of fresh air while keeping costs low.

Two-step approach

Consider a two-step approach when building a conservatory to help manage costs. According to CompareCompanies UK, first, focus on the foundation, keeping it simple and using existing structures where possible. Then, consider hiring a conservatory installation specialist for the assembly stage. This approach can optimise expertise and ‌reduce overall expenses. Let’s explore them in more detail: 

The foundation

To build a conservatory, you must prepare the ground first. This might involve changing the outside of your house, such as moving pipes and wires underground. You may need permission to start the work depending on what's under your garden. To keep costs down, consider the following options:

  • Use existing structures: If you have a sturdy patio or deck, build the conservatory on top to save on new foundation costs.
  • Lightweight materials: Choosing lighter materials can reduce the need for extensive foundation work, which is typically less expensive.
  • Modular or prefabricated conservatories: These are designed for quick, cost-effective installation, reducing labour and material costs.
  • Avoid utilities: You can save on costs by designing the conservatory to prevent the relocation of existing underground utilities.
  • Professional advice: Hiring a structural engineer or builder for advice can help avoid expensive mistakes and ensure efficient use of resources.

The installation

After preparing the foundation, the next stage involves ‌constructing the conservatory. You can save costs by hiring a builder for the foundational work and a conservatory installation specialist for the assembly. This requires careful coordination to ensure that both parties work together without miscommunications or scheduling conflicts. Having the right experts on-site at the right times can achieve both cost efficiency and quality results.

The complete package

Choosing a complete conservatory package can be a cost-effective and convenient option. A package deal can provide several benefits.


When you buy a complete conservatory package, you can save a lot of money compared to buying individual components separately. These packages often include foundational work, installation services, permits, certificates, and waste disposal.

By getting everything together, you can avoid unexpected expenses or hidden fees.


When you choose a complete conservatory package, you save time. With a package, you get all the components without the need for extensive research, price comparisons, or coordination with multiple suppliers or contractors.

The installation process is more efficient because a single contractor or company handles the entire project, resulting in a smoother experience.

Easy process

Choosing a complete conservatory package can make managing a home improvement project much easier. With this option, you will have one main contact person for all parts of the conservatory installation, from planning and design to construction and completion.

This approach means you won't have to deal with many different people, making the process smoother and less stressful.

Choosing a complete conservatory package is convenient, as it could save you time and money. Rather than purchasing the components individually or attempting to construct them yourself, a complete package includes everything you need, streamlining the process and reducing the hassle. This option provides peace of mind and ensures an efficient and effective installation.

Upgrades to an existing conservatory

conservatory roof upgrade

If you already have a conservatory, upgrading specific parts like the roof or windows can be more affordable than building a new one. Here are two upgrades to consider:

Roof replacement

A new roof made of modern materials like glass, polycarbonate, or tiles can make your conservatory more comfortable throughout the year. It can also lower your energy bills by reducing heat loss and condensation.

Window upgrades

Double or triple glazing can help keep your conservatory cooler in summer and warmer in winter. It can also reduce noise pollution and improve security.

By making these targeted upgrades, you can enhance your conservatory's functionality, comfort, and value without spending a fortune.

DIY conservatory kits

DIY conservatory kit option UK

DIY conservatory kits exist and seem tempting. Here’s what you can expect to pay for the materials only: 

  • Lean-to: £2,500 - £3,500+ (simplest design)
  • Edwardian/Victorian: £5,000 - £7,000+ (more complex designs)

However, it is generally only advisable if you have substantial expertise in construction. Errors can cause leaks, structural issues, and ultimately increased long-term costs. 

Ex-display conservatories

Showroom models or ex-display conservatories are a great way to get your dream conservatory on a budget. Previously used for display, these models are often sold at much lower prices than brand-new options. If you're searching for "ex display conservatories for sale," consider these benefits and considerations:

Benefits of ex display conservatories

Big cost savings: Expect discounts typically ranging from 30% to 50%, potentially saving you thousands on your project.
High-quality: According to PolarBearWindows UK, ex-display models are usually well-maintained and in good condition, offering excellent value for money.

Considerations before buying

Inspection: Carefully examine the conservatory for any scratches, dents, or signs of wear and tear.
Warranty: Inquire about any remaining warranties or guarantees. These may be shorter than for a brand-new conservatory.
Style and size: Ex-display options might have limited choices, so be prepared to be flexible with your preferences.
Installation and delivery: Factor in any potential costs for transporting and reinstalling the conservatory.

Remember, while ex-display conservatories usually represent excellent value, thoroughly inspect them and negotiate the price to reflect any minor cosmetic imperfections.

Is it cheaper to have an extension or a conservatory?

conservatory vs extension which one is cheaper

Conservatories are ‌cheaper to build than traditional home extensions. It is typically cheaper to install a conservatory than to build an extension. When considering a 20m2 area, a conservatory costs between £15,100 and £23,400. In contrast, a similar-sized traditional extension costs much more, typically from £52,000 to £56,000.

Why conservatories are cheaper

  • Materials and construction: Conservatories use materials like PVC, aluminium, and glass, less expensive than the bricks and concrete required for extensions.
  • Simpler design and build: Conservatories often have a simpler construction process, which can reduce labour costs and time.

Costs of building an extension

  • Higher material costs: Extensions require more robust materials and construction techniques.
  • Professional fees: Hiring architects and planners adds 10-15% more to the total cost.
  • VAT and additional costs: VAT alone can add about £8,000 to the final price.

Regulations and permissions

  • Extensions usually require planning permission, which can be costly and time-consuming. Conversely, conservatories might not need such permissions if they meet specific size and design criteria.

    To sum up, conservatories are an affordable and easy way to make your home bigger. They come in different sizes and styles to suit your preferences. With proper insulation and heating, you can enjoy natural light all year round. Conservatories offer a practical and versatile alternative to traditional extensions. 

    How to find a low cost conservatory?

    The easiest and fastest way to get the lowest cost conservatory customised to your needs is to use our quoting service. We'll connect you with reputable conservatory installers in your area, allowing you to compare quotes and find the perfect combination of style, quality, and price for your project.

    Whether you’re looking for cheap lean-to conservatory prices or ways to cut costs, we can help. Save time and avoid headaches with 4 free requests. Begin by filling out the form below. 

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